What you think about you cause to become.
You are the sum total of what you are thinking about most of the time.
It is generally accepted or believed by most that on the invisible level of our being there is an invisible core or self to our physical being. Therefore it is safe to say that our "invisiable self", "Soul", “Spirit” or “the Energy of Life” cause all things to become manifested or visible.
With this as the belief system that govern one's existence, one may then embrace the concept that as a “Spiritual Being” having a human experience we have within us - the Realm of Infinite Ideas (One's mind) from which to pull (to think or process thoughts) that will shape one's actions and behavoirs in our visible world based on our desires or intentions.
To do this, we need to master; (like Moses, Jesus, the Buddha, Gandhi, Mohammed and the many others like them) the following:
1. Power of Thinking
It is through thinking that man forms that which he has in his life.
Using this law we can bring forth whatever we have in mind. Be it Productive or Negative (destructive) to ourselves; therefore whatever is productive; think on those things only.
2. The Law of Demonstration
Is supported by "The Law of Mind Action" which is 'Whatever you think about you bring about.'
It is said that the man named Jesus said "Let your will be done on earth (in your physical world) as it is in heaven (your mind - what you are thinking."