Monday, May 28, 2007

Native Indian Prayer of Life

Lord Thanks You . . .

For my Heart which loves the

uniqueness of each living thing,

For my Mind which recognizes

the beauty of each living thing

And for my Soul which knows

that the way all living things

are the same is far more important

than the ways we are different.

Rachel Grace

Friday, May 25, 2007

To BE or Not To BE

A THING cannot BE and NOT BE at the same time. Therefore do not be fooled by illusions and promises.

How will you know the difference? By going deep within the core of your SOUL for yourself. Once you have a QUESTION (Burning desire for TRUTH) within IT (The Question) lies the ANSWER.

Therefore teachers of any kind should only be an initial guide to set you on a journey. You will only truly grow and mature when you choose to continue ALONE on the path they pointed out to you or choose another for yourself with your INNER Self as the new Guide.

This is first step to true spiritual Enlightenment.

Monday, May 21, 2007

One of Life's great truth.

The REALIZATION that there is no time but NOW.

Acceptance of this universal FACT (Truth) can eventually cause a SPIRITUAL awakening that can set you FREE eternally.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Anything that can be judged will soon need to be re-judged.

With this in mind one should always be careful not to label anything GOOD or BAD - easpecial BAD or EVIL.

Since we judge based on the content of our mind and the limited view we have of that which we judge. Therefore chances are, with a different view of the world and ourselves we will see that which we HAD judged DIFFERENTLY.

Therefoew be SLOW to JUDGE but alert to make conscious OBSERVATION.