Monday, August 28, 2006

Being born in Guyana, SOUTH AMERICA, I find myself thinking of the country all day today as I am sure is the case for most Guyaness the world over today. The reason being that today the 28th day of August, 2006 is election day in Guyana.

I feel a sense of joy because I know that no matter what the final outcome of today's General Elections, I feel that generally the majority of voters in Guyana will mature as educated voters who have choosen not to remain passive onlookers as they vote blindly or emotionally just to make a point.

I feel that on a spiritual level the masses are almost at a critical mass to bring about a Spiritual change the country needs to move forward in ONENESS.

Regardless of what that oneness may look like on the outside. I feel that spiritually the shift is taking place in the consciousness of every Guyanese. To which I know there will be those that will embrace the shift, those that will resist the shift and those that may not even feel, know or acknowledge that a shift has taken place or is taking place. This is okay because that is okay with the nature of the Spiritually universe and how things get manifested in the physical universe.

How do I know that there is a SHIFT taking place? The true be told I can't tell you I have sometime to say exactly what the shift is and how it is taking place. What I feel I can say is why it is clear a shift is taking place. The answer is in the talk of a possible - "Minority Government" after the elections.

Which I feel came about because of the following:-

  • A secure sence of security in any society says alot of that society's governance and economic stability.
  • Lacking of it in any area will lead to no confidence in those that are suppose to implement and enfore it.
  • Failure of effective implementation and execution of this will over-time foster and promote dis-regards and dis-respect which WILL lead to LAWLESSNESS.

That said and taken in context for what it is - it then begs the question what is the state of GOVERNANCE in GUYANA after 14 years of "excellent leadership and equal opportunity for all". What is even more interesting to see is that the present Government is losing the support of their happy supporters which could easily lead to a historical minority Government.

If and when that happens the power that has obviously gone to the heads of those entrusted to lead and governed will soon be lose eventually make no mistake about that. Because history will show that nothing last forever because "change is the LAW of the physical UNIVERSE" and no ONE is above UNIVERSAL LAWs.

With that in mind I KNOW all is well for the country I love so much. It is sad that those presently in power did not use the 28 years the previous Government had to make their mistakes to learn and not do the same or similar acts.

However that is the nature of the "TWO EDGED SWORD called POWER" or "A false sense of POWER" - when you don't have it or in the driving seat with it - you feel deep in your heart that you know exactly how you would use it for the betterment and enrichment of all. However most times when many taste it or at least 90% of the time they succumb to its charm and abuse it.

Hence all those that admire, wish and seek it, should be aware it can a SNAKE dress up as a DOVE, if your motives are rooted in anything other than respect, tolerance, diversity and alliance on every level.

That said - my final thought is for any group of people calling them themselves a party for change in Guyana or continued development in the country would do will to demonstrate respect, tolerance, diversity and alliance on every level.

Starting perhaps with working to eliminate the "Executive Power" element of the Commander-in-Chief as now support by the present Constitution - to reflect perhaps that President and his or her top parliamentary executives serve two terms then must leave and a fresh body of consciousness take charge.

This should not necessarily mean that the group that he or she lead be changed if the voters feel THEIR INTERESTs are being fully represented.

May Allah, God, Budha and/or the Universal Energy in Motion continue to keep GUYANA and its offspring in harmory and divine order.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

These are my thoughts as I accept things as they are unfolding in the world on this day the 23rd July, 2006

  • Could it be that we are in constant conflict with each other because we are all - most of us anyway - in constant conflict with ourselves?
  • Could it be that we fear each other becauce our hidden desire is to control each?
  • Could it be that we are all lying to each other and ourselves about each other?
  • Could it be that we are all wrong about who we really are in this temperal phase earthly existence?

These are just my thoughts express aloud and not in any way meant to offend. However humblely put forward as I reflect on my own areas of inner conflicts which I know have most cases lead to external conflicts in my own world and close relationships.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

I am not in anyway going to give my opinion about the movie "The Da Vinci Code" or take side in the debate for or against. However I will saying that after three attempts on the opening weekend of the movie, I finally got to see the movie. Yes I was among the millions that did so.

Remember I said I was not going to give an opinion because to do so would be to take side. If like me you have not read the book (I have no desire to at this time but since I read alot I may do so at some point) and would like to know what all the fuss is about then you now have a choice - read the book or watch the movie. Either way the only opinion I will put forward here is that you will certainly leave with food for thought.

I was really impress and surprise by the wide cross religious people that was lining up to see the movie. Clearly tons of non-christain (their way of dress was the give away and I sat surrounded by several.) This lead me to confirm a little known theory by the mass and but a popular belief among independent thinkers that more and more people the world over are becoming more independent thinkers especially when it comes to their spirituality and are willing to seekout and explore to find their own truths.

Hence the large number of people who went to see the movie and those that are making it a point to find their own truth by reading the book. To this I will venture to say that the man called Jesus would be happy for those that profess to love him and are walking in his footsteps by being independent thinkers. Because the world has christainity today because Jesus (a born Jew) was an independent thinker whose dreams were for others to embrace their true devinity which would be best achieve by being an independent thinker like him.

I think he would have been very proud if he was alive today but then again if history had gone differently and he was not killed because of his independent thinking there would not have been any christains because there might not have been those out to kill his followers (since there were fear of another madman coming forward in his name) after his death who were referred to as christians or followers of Christ.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

What you think about you cause to become.

You are the sum total of what you are thinking about most of the time.

It is generally accepted or believed by most that on the invisible level of our being there is an invisible core or self to our physical being. Therefore it is safe to say that our "invisiable self", "Soul", “Spirit” or “the Energy of Life” cause all things to become manifested or visible.

With this as the belief system that govern one's existence, one may then embrace the concept that as a “Spiritual Being” having a human experience we have within us - the Realm of Infinite Ideas (One's mind) from which to pull (to think or process thoughts) that will shape one's actions and behavoirs in our visible world based on our desires or intentions.

To do this, we need to master; (like Moses, Jesus, the Buddha, Gandhi, Mohammed and the many others like them) the following:

1. Power of Thinking

It is through thinking that man forms that which he has in his life.

Using this law we can bring forth whatever we have in mind. Be it Productive or Negative (destructive) to ourselves; therefore whatever is productive; think on those things only.

2. The Law of Demonstration

Is supported by "The Law of Mind Action" which is 'Whatever you think about you bring about.'

It is said that the man named Jesus said "Let your will be done on earth (in your physical world) as it is in heaven (your mind - what you are thinking."

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

We are nothing but ENERGY in constant MOTION.

After years of conscious self exploration and self evaluation I will have to agree with the notion that the everything in the physical Universe is really ENERGY in Constant MOTION - including us - HUMAN BEING. Therefore you and me along with every human being are BEING of ENERGY clothed in FLESH.

Infact even the Flesh, bones and the other physical stuff that make us up at the our visible level of expression is invisible ENERGY or non-material stuff that is vibrating at a relatively slow speed that causes it to appear solid as against its TRUE nature of invisible energy vibration or energy in motion.

It is at our energy vibration level of being that everything in our physical Universe that every is created or caused to become manifested as our daily reality. Unfortuately most of our physical creation or manifestations has it origin in FEAR based energy vibration.

It is this FEAR that causes most of us to behave in ways that unconsciously negotiate and attract the very thing we wish not to have in our lives. Hence we can say it is FEAR that negotiate for us at our subconscious level of BEING and shows up in our physical world (life situations) as challenging issue - human conflicts, natural events or as simple as what we may call - "I am having a BAD day or Life."

All of this is control or can be manipulated by our power of thinking and this has be proved and handed down to every generation in many different ways that - "You are what you are Thinking". The interesting part of all of this is that since most of us live in fear, it is n surprise that we have a world that is not really what we would like it to be because unconsciously we are creating the physical Universe with our collective FEAR.

However the key to note is that the ENERGY level of our BEING there is no discrimination of the vibration of ENERGY. Therefore it is safe to say that our physical Universe is created by the conscious and/or unconscious manipulation of this ENERGY (Spirit) with our individual and collective thoughts (ways of thinking).

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Rice and Peas for the Soul - Conscious Living.

I believe “Spirit” or “the Energy of Life” causes all things to become created (made manifested or visible) therefore I further believe the essence of the ever present “Spirit” will forever be the essence of whatever was created by it. Hence it is safe to say “Spirit” will continue to support and nurture that expression of itself in the manifested form (your physical body, the birds, the bees, the plants, the trees, the seas) and give to its expression everything needed for continued expression of its manifestor (creator) .

That expression can be seen as a channel or “opening of Spirit”, in fact the truth is; it is Spirit made manifest, hence there is really no you or me, plant or trees, birds or bees, river or seas but just energy in visible expression as various manifestation of the one Spirit or Energy Frequency called Life.

With this as your belief system you may then embrace the concept that as a “Spiritual Being” having a human experience (manifested physical expression of spirit) we have within us - the Realm of Infinite Ideas (Kingdom of Spirit/God/Allah/The Tao….) from which we can pull (to think and process thoughts) and create in our visible (our manifest World as we know it) Earth based on our desires (intention).

To do this, we need to master; (like Moses, Jesus, the Buddha, Gandhi, Mohammed and the many others like them) the following:

1. The Value and Power of Thinking

It is through thinking that man forms that which he has in his life.

2. The Law of Demonstration

The Law of Mind Action: Whatever you think about you bring about. Jesus said "Let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven". Using this law we can bring forth whatever we have in mind. Be it Productive or Destructive (negative) to ourselves; therefore whatever is productive; think on those things only.

Practice: -

  • Positive Thinking, which then will produce positive words
  • When you attached those positive words to the right Feelings
  • That will cause the appropriate actions for you in every situation
  • And ultimately resulting in right reactions

So to benefit from Spirit fully, you need to Aligning your mind (this is our link to Spirit - it is all in the Mind and that's what Jesus did; when he lift his eyes onto the hills from whence cometh his help and also when he went to the Mountain Top) with Spirit then All things with be added on to you. Your alignment with Spirit is "Seek first the Kingdom of Spirit".

This is done by turning within (within your mind) for Guidance and Direction which will come in the form of Ideas. To caught these ideas\Inspirations from Spirit; we must become Still (quite in the Mind) to Listen, Hear and Feel the Spiritual Flow that is forever having its "being" in and through us.

3. Practicing the Presence

Being aware of the Activities of Spirit in the Now moment.

  • Prayer: Communication with Spirit.
  • Meditation: Conscious thought on aspects of Spirit.

"The soul that has embraced and accepted death (transition of its physical body) made a conscious choice to do so. I will be supportive of that choice and give thanks for its earthly expression." -- Shirvington Hannays (November 2001)

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Rice and Peas for the Soul - Spirit and Spirituality

As a child, teenager and young adult in Guyana, Barbados and then Jamaica; the word spirit or its most popular used form “spirits” meant mainly an invisible evil (negative) force or presence that was always waiting to overcome any form of good that might exist. A presence and force that I lived in fear of until about eight years ago.

So why and when did the change occurred?
I can not say that it happen with a bang but it certainly starting with me being fed up being fearful of something I could not see and had come to fear with a passion. So armed with my resentment for my fear of “Spirits” I set out to investigate my deep belief about "spirit" or "spirits" for myself and confront my fears.

Yes, I had many, of which the Devil was high on my list. Without going into details, I can safely tell you that I no longer live in fear of “the devil” or “spirits” of people who are dead or as I now say “made their transition out of this physical world”.

Today I view the concept of the "Spirit” as the one universal energy force that sustains every thing visible and invisible in this world and Universe as we know it. Put another way I now hold the view that “Spirit is the energy that sustains All things as Life and causes All things to BE (that is - to Exist)”.

Therefore since Spirit causes All things to BE (become manifested or made visible), then it is safe to say that the essence of Spirit will continue to be the essence of anything that it caused to be.