I am not in anyway going to give my opinion about the movie "The Da Vinci Code" or take side in the debate for or against. However I will saying that after three attempts on the opening weekend of the movie, I finally got to see the movie. Yes I was among the millions that did so.
Remember I said I was not going to give an opinion because to do so would be to take side. If like me you have not read the book (I have no desire to at this time but since I read alot I may do so at some point) and would like to know what all the fuss is about then you now have a choice - read the book or watch the movie. Either way the only opinion I will put forward here is that you will certainly leave with food for thought.
I was really impress and surprise by the wide cross religious people that was lining up to see the movie. Clearly tons of non-christain (their way of dress was the give away and I sat surrounded by several.) This lead me to confirm a little known theory by the mass and but a popular belief among independent thinkers that more and more people the world over are becoming more independent thinkers especially when it comes to their spirituality and are willing to seekout and explore to find their own truths.
Hence the large number of people who went to see the movie and those that are making it a point to find their own truth by reading the book. To this I will venture to say that the man called Jesus would be happy for those that profess to love him and are walking in his footsteps by being independent thinkers. Because the world has christainity today because Jesus (a born Jew) was an independent thinker whose dreams were for others to embrace their true devinity which would be best achieve by being an independent thinker like him.
I think he would have been very proud if he was alive today but then again if history had gone differently and he was not killed because of his independent thinking there would not have been any christains because there might not have been those out to kill his followers (since there were fear of another madman coming forward in his name) after his death who were referred to as christians or followers of Christ.
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