Friday, September 26, 2008

"This too shall soon pass" - the same image on either sides of the same coin. - Shirvington Hannays

When in the mist of a judged or labeled "bad, difficult, painful or challenging situation or experience", the phase "this too shall soon pass" can be one of the most comforting re-assurances you can receive, reflect on or embrace.

Especially if you allow yourself to acknowledge that, the statement has proven true countless times before. In reality, this statement is also true for those situations or periods in our lives that we may judge or label "good, easy going, painless, peaceful or without challenge."

If and when you embrace this statement fully or even partially, it could be said that, you have become awaken to a very simple but yet one of the most powerful Spiritual principles. A principle that has the potential to return your mind, body and soul to the state of wholeness.

The state you were a nano-second before your soul accepted the invitation from your parents and you were conceived. I am nowhere near being totally at peace with this statement, but I am humbled in the understanding of the principle, an understanding that could truly bring to my Human experience the peace that passeth Human understanding.

As I continue to daily acknowledge and embrace this awareness, I am strenghten to snap out of most states of depression, resentment, anger and the blame game faster when seemingly good and pleasant experiences fade away and "soon pass". - Shirvington Hannays

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